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Membership type
Grassroots Club or Team
For Group or Grassroots Membership please state organisation
For Group or Grassroots Membership please state number of members
First name
Last name
Select one
Email address
What team do you support?
Customize this optional help text before publishing your form.
What type of fan are you?
Select one
Football Die-hard – I never miss a game home and away
Committed regular – I am a season ticket holder and go to a few away games
Committed occasional – circumstances mean I don’t go as often as I used to
Historical occasional – Used to go more now just big games or special occasions
Walk in – I only go to games that take my fancy
Distant Lover – family used to follow the club but moved away so only go rarely
Lapsed lover – used to follow my team but do so in name only now
Armchair fan – used to go to games but just watch on TV now
Feelings for your team
Describe what you feel about your team and what they mean to you. Why do you love them, what frustrates you and what makes you proud or annoyed by the club?
Please list any specific issues that you want us to concentrate on in the coming year